Mattu University

Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu

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Mattu University

Mattu University graduated 1 thousand 44 students for the 11th round in a colorful ceremony. News Image
 Posted On: Jul 07, 2024


July 6/202024 (Public and International Relations)

Mattu University has graduated 1 thousand 44 students who have been trained in various educational programs in first and second degree in a colorful ceremony attended by members of board member of the university and other invited guests. Mattu University graduated 1,044 students for the 11th round in a grand ceremony. Dr. Dima Nogo, the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations and Peace Affairs of the House of Peoples Representatives of Ethiopia and the Board member of Mattu University, who attended the graduation program, conveyed his message to the graduates to focus on generating knowledge for the development of the people and the country with the skills they got. 

Interim President of Mattu University, Dr. Alemu Disasa, on his part, said that education is not only about completing studies in certain fields and graduating, but also about being able to use lifelong experience and learning for the country and the people. Therefore, graduates should always educate themselves and serve their communities, and they should adopt the knowledge and ethics that will enable them to ensure the public benefit and the development of the country. He also called on the graduates to strive to make themselves and their country successful by working hard and with determination to overcome the challenges they face in their journey. According to this, excellent results were obtained in the candidate graduate exit test given in two rounds of the year. It also helps prospective graduates to increase their competitiveness in the world of work.

In terms of research, our university has worked to identify the challenges and good practices in our society, especially to change the lives of farmers, to improve agricultural production supported by research and knowledge, and to help farmers get agricultural resources. In addition, works have been done on the care and protection of natural resources. Also, promising research works have been done in the fields of health, education, good governance and technology. It was also a year in which various medium and long-term research projects were launched as a special case. We believe that when the results of these researches are completed, they will solve the problems of our society.

Mattu University, also working in community service in education, health, agriculture, technology, law, natural resources and others, said that the university will continue to ensure the benefit of our society. Dr. Alemu also urged the graduating students to do significant work by abhorring corruption, which is the cancer of our country's development.

The graduation ceremony at Mattu University saw students from seven colleges and three schools being awarded trophies and medals by the guests of honor for their outstanding academic achievements. The graduating class included a total of 1,044 students, comprising: 731 male and 263 female students in undergraduate and 37 male 13 female students with a second degree. 


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